Children and Young People

Every child and young person has the right to be safe!

If you are a child or young person, this part of the website is for you. It is important that you know how to keep yourself safe and who you can turn to if you need help and support.
We can help:

  • if you are being mistreated or abused by someone and you are not sure what to do
  • if you think another child/young person is being mistreated or abused and want to report your concerns

Find help

If you are worried about a situation that you or a friend are in, talk to an adult that you trust as soon as you can. Remember, if you are in immediate danger or want urgent help, contact the police on 999.

If you need advice or need to talk to someone, and want to confidentially talk to us please call:

1: ChildLine is a free 24 hour private and confidential counselling service for children and young people up to the age of 19 and can provide help and advice about a wide range of issues.
0800 11 11 

2: NSPCC provide a 24 hour helpline, offering help, advice and support to children and their families.  NSPCC is the leading children's charity fighting to end child abuse in the UK.  For further information visit